sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

New Challenges in Our Career

Medicine Veterinary is facing important challenges in technology, social matters and education. These areas represent an important roll for the career and their professionals. These problems should change to give more respect for the career itself and the veterinarian professional.

Technology in veterinary should said, that every day is growing more and more, but this use of the technology depends mostly on the resources of each veterinary clinic and of course the proprietary of it.

To my mind, the technology in North America and some countries in Europe, have very developed clinics with the use of the ultimate medical equipment and technology, compare with most of Latin America countries. I think that this difference of technology between countries is because of social matters. (economical issues, culture, political issues etc)

The social matters, I think is the most challenge that the career is facing. The Veterinary Medicine is not social recognize as much as should be, most of the people does not recognize or understand the important of the discipline, the MVZ helps and contribute a lot, to a development of a countries, helping to a different animal industries.

This area is very controversial point, because it is not social recognize in most countries of Latin America but is very recognize in other countries. I think that this should change, because people doesn’t valorize and respect the career, as it should be in every part of the world. This area also depends on the education of every country and also the professional colleges and Universities needs to focus their efforts to promote and explain the benefits and the importance of the MVZ career.

Education is another of the important areas, which is facing with different challenges in our career; education of course to my mind is the most important area. Some countries like Canada and United States take a student approximately eight years to graduate, and in most parts of Latin America it takes five to six years. That show us, one of the important reasons why the career is recognize and respect more in some countries than others.

In conclusion, I think that these three areas are connected between them; one area depends on the other one. The most important one is education, because people associated the time that it takes to graduate to the respect of a career, but what they really don’t know, is that veterinary should be respected as what it is “medicine”.

People should respect our career here in Latin America, so like this we can developed more every day in the areas connected with technology.

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Summary from Article "Snakes Declining at Alarming Rate, Say Scientists"

This article talks about the widespread disappearance of snakes, the scientists suspects that one of the important factors can be the “climate” and their decline will have wider ecological consequence.

The papers reports eleven of the population groups “decline sharply”, while five remained stable, and one showed a very weak sign of increase. These researches were made in UK, France, Italy, Nigeria and Australia. The authors write that all the declines occurred during the same relatively period of time and climate. Scientists said that it could be a common cause and could indicate a widespread phenomenon. The paper reflect, that there is not proof of the cause of the losses, but they suspect the loss or deterioration of habitats and the declining of food (prey), but all is surrounded about the change of climate.

This article, also mention that IUCN (International Union of the Conservation of Nature) said it had not done an analysis of snakes, but based on assessments of nearly one in five reptile species it estimates 28% are threatened.

This article show us, how the animals day to day are becoming extinct around the world, mainly because the climate. These decreases of population of animals around the world not just affect the equilibrium of the ecology but the ecosystems as well, and in a long period of time will affect us as well.


Snakes declining at alarming rate, say scientists Study suspects sharp reduction in snake numbers in a variety of habitats in five countries is caused by habitat loss and prey

Juliette Jowit and Ashleigh Searle

The Guardian, Wednesday 9 June 2010


domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Improving Our Faculty

The current situation of our faculty is not bad, but it I think it could have more improvements. The faculty has a cafeteria, bathrooms, library, hospital and the farm. Regarding all these places, in my personal point of view, exist a lack of one or two important issues.

One of the most important issue, it should be the construction of more classes and a special study rooms. In my opinion, it’s very important, because sometimes in the library there’s no place to study. Also, I think that this situation of high demand of the library is because the winter.

Another important issue, is the cafeteria. The cafeteria in our faculty is not bad, but it could be better. This is very important to all the students and teachers, because the faculty is very far from another options, so, much of the people depend on the lunch of the cafeteria; I believe that most of the students take their own lunch on a daily basis, to the faculty, due to three important reasons: the high prices, the quality of the food and the poor variation of the menu.

To deal with the lack of places to study, most of the students decide go home to do it, or if we have a window between classes, we uses the garden.

The situation to deal with the cafeteria, as I mention before, is bringing my own food from home or going to the faculty of agronomy.

The benefits of improving these environments will reflect a better performance in the students, and also striving in their classes. It’s necessary, have a comfortable place to study and also have a good meal and resting place. Also it comes to help a lot, because some students are from other regions or countries, and we are lack of the time, so if the faculty invests in these two projects can help a lot.

I think that these two situations could be resolved; in my opinion the students should talk and make recommendations to the faculty headquarters, and have an internal consensus, on what issues the faculty should improve; like this two ideas, also can be more good ideas and needs, depends on the different areas or year attended. After presented these ideas or suggestions, the people in charge, could find a way to improve step by step the issues, and give more facilities to all.

Regards of this two situation that I mention, I think that the faculty in general is a very good one, especially for our career. We have a lot of beautiful places to be outsider, like the farm and the grass all around us. I think that students should involve more, and help the authorities to view the needs, so, with the participation of all of us and the authorities, we could improve together our faculty and make it every day a better place, for sure, every one will be proud, to be part of the faculty.