miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010



The new system of Santiago, was launched in February 2008.

I’m not from Santiago, Chile. My birth place is Guatemala, Central America. I came a year ago to Santiago to initiate my studies in Veterinary medicine, so I really don’t’ know how was the transportation system before. Except by comments from my Chilean friends.

My own experience in my country it’s a lot different from here. In Guatemala the transport system is too old, including the vehicles, the routes etc., maybe similar to Santiago 20 years ago, and also we doesn’t have a Metro system. And plus to that, the delinquency is very high and is too dangerous take it.

Easily, I can see in Santiago a very structured system. The positive noticeable things are:

- The BIP card, it’s a really good and easy method, because the people doesn’t have to carry cash, and also it’s safely for the drivers

- The rutes are more structured, providing to the people and easy orientation

- Exist a good signaling system, and makes more easy the stops, and helps the traffic

That´s all I can tell you about my experience. But in summary I found a really good system of public transportation here in Santiago.

My idea to improve the new system would be the frecuency of buses in some routes. But I´m really satisfied of the improvement of the new system.

5 comentarios:

  1. You don´t have subway in Guatemala????? you never told me... I never asked you,too haha

  2. I think the same as you about having frequent buses. Sometimes, you have to wait way too long for the next one :/

  3. Hi gaby,i tought that the transantiago has started on 2007 xD jajajaj because I used it that year... details! xD take care!! kisses!

  4. I can't imagine my life without Subway! I always think that all countries have this system.
    have a nice day Gaby!

  5. The new system of Santiago, was launched in February 2008.

    I’m not from Santiago, Chile. My birth place is Guatemala, Central America. I came a year ago to Santiago to initiate my studies in Veterinary medicine, so I really don’t’ know how was the transportation system before. Except by comments from my Chilean friends.

    My own experience in my country it’s a lot different from here. In Guatemala the transport system is too old, including the vehicles, the routes etc., maybe similar to Santiago 20 years ago, and also we SVA doesn’t have a Metro system. And plus to that, the WW delinquency is very high and is too dangerous take it.

    Easily, I can see in Santiago a very structured system. The positive noticeable things are:

    - The BIP card, it’s a really good and easy method, because the people SVA doesn’t have to carry cash, and also it’s WF safely for the drivers

    - The rutes are more structured, providing to the people and easy orientation

    -^ Exist a good signaling system, and makes more easy the stops, and helps the traffic

    That´s all I can tell you about my experience. But in summary I found a really good system of public transportation here in Santiago.

    My idea to improve the new system would be the frecuency of buses in some routes. But I´m really satisfied of the improvement of the new system.

    Well so I think you missed a lo t of the previous system which was really bad...
    check the corrections

    p.s. you got a 5.3
