domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

The Country That I Would Like To Visit

The country that I would like to visit some day is Ukraine. My interest of visiting this country is because has a totally different culture and my two little sister are from there. I would like to go with my family to know more about the culture and of the country, like a family trip.

Ukraine is one of the two largest countries on Eastern Europe. Ukraine became independent in 1991 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It is a unitary state composed of 24 provinces and its capital is Kiev. The dominant religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity, that is and was very influenced in the architecture, literature, music and culture.

My father, decides to adopt to children from there, and he went to Ukraine to bring them, and he mention me how different are the customs and culture. They used the Cyrillic alphabet, the same use in Russia and other Eastern Europe country.

After the communist regimen, the country pass through many different stages trying to be a democratic country, and that’s generate a lot of corruption and also a lot of libertinism. When Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, everything was own by the state, doesn’t exist the private industry, and after the dissolution the new governments distribute many of their owns and lands between their people, many corruption.

During the communism (67 years) the religions were prohibited and for many years predominate the atheism. Because that, many people loses principles and when the dissolutions occurs, the youngest fall in liberalism, carrying a lot of problems for them and the country. Many people were without jobs, because no private industries invest in a new “democratic country”; the country falls in a extreme poverty and the drugs invaded the country, and one of the big problems were the increase in quantity of non planned pregnancy in very young single girls. Due to that, they developed a good adoptions law that gave a good support to all involved parts, the biological parents, the new legal parents and the kids. Giving a fallow up until they reach the age majority.

They arrive to Guatemala when they were three and four years old, actually they have eight and seven, and they are very happy. Hopefully in a future, all of us will travel to Ukraine to show their origins and the great culture of the Eastern Europe.

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi gaby!
    Wooo, The history of your sister is very interesting and they are so twins :P
    Do you live with your parents and your sisters in Chile?

  2. Gaby! I like the idea of going to Ukraine. You have a big connection, and a great reason to go there =)

  3. Hi Gaby!
    the truth is I did not know nothing about Ukraine, and your story gave me at least a vision of general education
    Your sisters are very cute! ...
    Greetings, see you in class

  4. hi gaby, I really think it's very interesting Ukraine... greetings :)

  5. ohh now I saw your sisters they are very sweet! they seem to have similar ages

  6. The country that I would like to visit some day is Ukraine. My interest of visiting this country is because has a totally different culture and my two little sister are from there. I would like to go with my family to know more about the culture and of the country, like a family trip.

    Ukraine is one of the two largest countries on Eastern Europe. Ukraine became independent in 1991 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It is a unitary state composed of 24 provinces and its capital is Kiev. The dominant religion is Eastern Orthodox Christianity, that is and was very influenced in the architecture, literature, music and culture.

    My father, decides to adopt SP to children from there, and he went to Ukraine to bring them, and he TENSE mention me how different are the customs and culture. They used the Cyrillic alphabet, the same use in Russia and other Eastern Europe country.

    After the communist Sp regimen, the country TESNE pass through many different stages trying to be a democratic country, and that’s generate a lot of corruption and also a lot of libertinism. When Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, everything was own by the state, doesn’t exist the private industry, and after the dissolution the new governments distribute many of their owns and lands between their people, many corruption.

    During the communism (67 years) the religions were prohibited and for many years predominate the atheism. Because that, many people loses principles and when the dissolutions occurs, the youngest fall in liberalism, carrying a lot of problems for them and the country. Many people were without jobs, because no private industries invest in a new “democratic country”; the country falls in a extreme poverty and the drugs invaded the country, and one of the big problems were the increase in quantity of non planned pregnancy in very young single girls. Due to that, they developed a good adoptions law that gave a good support to all involved parts, the biological parents, the new legal parents and the kids. Giving a fallow up until they reach the age majority.

    They arrive to Guatemala when they were three and four years old, actually they WW have eight and seven, and they are very happy. Hopefully in a future, all of us will travel to Ukraine to show their origins and the great culture of the Eastern Europe.

    very interesting...I think it must be a wonderful place
    what are your sisters' names?
