domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Death Penalty

The death penalty or capital punishment is the killing of a person by the judicial process as a punishment for an offense. The crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as crimes or capital offenses. The first established death penalty laws date on the XVIII Century B.C , in the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon.

Actually the use of the death penalty has become restrained for most of the countries. In the past, death penalty has been practiced in every nation, but now just 58 countries actively practice it, and 95 had abolished. This theme is very controversy to countries and states, because it has different political and religious views. Singapore, Japan and the U.S. are the only fully developed countries that have retained the death penalty.

In the past, there were different methods used for the capital punishment, like electrocution, gas chamber, firing squad, hanging and lethal injection. Actually the most used method is the lethal injection, but in the state of Utah the firing squad still remains as an execution.

In my opinion, the death penalty should not exist. I’m a Catholic person, my actions and ideas are always based on my religion. So for me, no one has the choice or right for a person’s life. Regards my religion and ethics, I think that death penalty is an easy method for the governments and the criminals. To be honest I think that prison is the best punishment for any person, most if you are sentenced for 50 years or for life. I think that criminals that are sentenced for life, suffer and regret their actions more, by being all their life in a total isolation in prison.

As far as I’m concerned, governments spent a lot of money on prison and criminals, because they have to sustain them. Every day violence and crimes increase, most of the prisons are filled, so is very difficult to sustain them. If you ask me I think that the best choice for governments or states should be to make criminals work for them. For me, it is the best choice for both, because criminals would be doing something productive for the society, and governments can benefit from this.

From my point of view, sometimes criminals are not sentenced as they should, because they have money to spend on good lawyers that could reduced their sentence, so like this, you look so many cases of criminals spending just 10 or 15 years on prison and being liberated by the government after they had killed and raped.

For me, this is a very difficult theme, because there are political, religious and ethics views, but to be honest I’m not in favor of death penalty.

2 comentarios:

  1. hi gaby, I desagree with you because I agree with death penalty to killers and violators, but I respect your opinion.

    see ya!

  2. The death penalty or capital punishment is the killing of a person by the judicial process as a punishment for an offense. The crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as crimes or capital offenses. The first established death penalty laws date on the XVIII Century B.C , in the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon.

    Actually the use of the death penalty has become restrained for most of the countries. In the past, death penalty has been practiced in every nation, but now just 58 countries actively practice it, and 95 had abolished. This theme is very WF controversy to countries and states, because it has different political and religious views. Singapore, Japan and the U.S. are the only fully developed countries that have retained the death penalty.

    In the past, there were different methods used for the capital punishment, like electrocution, gas chamber, firing squad, hanging and lethal injection. Actually the most used method is the lethal injection, but in the state of Utah the firing squad still remains as an execution.

    In my opinion, the death penalty should not exist. I’m a Catholic person, my actions and ideas are always based on my religion. So for me, no one has the choice or right for a person’s life. Regards my religion and ethics, I think that death penalty is an easy method for the governments and the criminals. To be honest I think that prison is the best punishment for any person, most if you are sentenced for 50 years or for life. I think that criminals that are sentenced for life, suffer and regret their actions more, by being all their life in a total isolation in prison.

    As far as I’m concerned, governments spent a lot of money on prison and criminals, because they have to sustain them. Every day violence and crimes increase, most of the prisons are filled, so is very difficult to sustain them. If you ask me I think that the best choice for governments or states should be to make criminals work for them. For me, it is the best choice for both, because criminals would be doing something productive for the society, and governments can benefit from this.

    From my point of view, sometimes criminals are not sentenced as they should, because they have money to spend on good lawyers that could reduced their sentence, so like this, you look so many cases of criminals spending just 10 or 15 years on prison and being liberated by the government after they had killed and raped.

    For me, this is a very difficult theme, because there are political, religious and ethics views, but to be honest I’m not in favor of death penalty.

    well it is a very difficult topic since many people have different opinions. Besides as you say politics and religions make it even more difficult to agree with
