domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

My Favorite Animal

The killer whale, commonly named as the orca is tha largest specie of the oceanic dolphin family. They are found in all the ocean´s world, from the Artic to the Antartic and the tropical seas. There are different species depending on where they live. The size of the orca is range from 6 to 8 meters. The killer whales are distinctively marked, because of their black back and white chest and sides colours. Its one of the world´s most powerful predators. They feast on marine mammals, like seals, sea lions, an even other whales.

The fist time that I founded an incredible animal and my favorite one, is when I was seven years old. The first time I saw it, was in Sea World, Miami. My family and I went to the show of the orch. I was impressed by its size and the social behavior with their trainers.

The orca is my favorite animal, because of its one very interesting characteristic of the social behavior. Killer whales are frecuently active at the surface , with acrobatic behaviors such as breaching, spyhopping and tal slapping. These activities have different purposes, such as play, communications or courtship. The orch have the second largest brain of all marine mammals. The orca can be trained and they are described as intelligent animals. The intelligence of animals is very difficult to explain, because you cannot measure or define it. This is the main characteristics of the killer whale that makes it my favourite animal.

In 2008, The International Union for Conservation of Nature changed the killer whale´s conservation status from conservation dependent to fata deficient, recognizing that killer whales tipes may actually be separate endangered species. The main reasons that the killer whale is endangered are because of the large scale of oil spills and the pollution of noise created by boats.

I would like to help this animal by creating campaigns againts the oil spills of boats and less conflict created by boats. I think that is very difficult to help them, because is very necesary for the economy of the countries the transportation in boats for the trade from country to country.

Finally, I can say that the orch is my favorite animal because of the social behavior and the size. Perhaps all the drama about the accident of trainers with orca, I founded one of the most intelligent animals, that cannot be judge by theit actions because they will be always wild animals.

2 comentarios:

  1. the orch is so pretty! I love them, also delphines, whales and pinguins they are my favourite acuatic animals :)

  2. The killer whale, commonly named as the orca is tha largest specie of the oceanic dolphin family. They are found in all the ocean´s world, from the Artic to the Antartic and the tropical seas. There are different species depending on where they live. The size of the orca is range from 6 to 8 meters. The killer whales are distinctively marked, because of their black back and white chest and sides colours. Its one of the world´s most powerful predators. They feast on marine mammals, like seals, sea lions, an even other whales.

    The fist time that I WW founded an incredible animal and my favorite one, is when I was seven years old. The first time I saw it, was in Sea World, Miami. My family and I went to the show of the orch. I was impressed by its size and the social behavior with their trainers.

    The orca is my favorite animal, because of its one very interesting characteristic of the social behavior. Killer whales are frecuently active at the surface , with acrobatic behaviors such as breaching, spyhopping and tal slapping. These activities have different purposes, such as play, communications or courtship. The orch SVA have the second largest brain of all marine mammals. The orca can be trained and they are described as intelligent animals. The intelligence of animals is very difficult to explain, because you cannot measure or define it. This is the main characteristics of the killer whale that makes it my favourite animal.

    In 2008, The International Union for Conservation of Nature changed the killer whale´s conservation status from conservation dependent to fata deficient, recognizing that killer whales tipes may actually be separate endangered species. The main reasons that the killer whale is endangered are because of the large scale of oil spills and the pollution of noise created by boats.

    I would like to help this animal by creating campaigns againts the oil spills of boats and less conflict created by boats. I think that is very difficult to help them, because is very necesary for the economy of the countries the transportation in boats for the trade from country to country.

    Finally, I can say that the orch is my favorite animal because of the social behavior and the size. Perhaps all the drama about the accident of trainers with orca, I founded one of the most intelligent animals, that cannot be judge by theit actions because they will be always wild animals.

    well I agree they are animals and some people forget that..
    well done
